The Coolest Fitness Classes in Brooklyn
Are you looking for the coolest fitness classes in Brooklyn? Whether you're a seasoned fitness pro or at the start of your journey, you have come to the coolest resource.…
An Australian committed to creating and living a more happy and fulfilling life that I'm passionate about. I've always wanted to live a life that's true to me and my dream life, but it didn't always feel easy. Whenever I would hear this quote from the top 5 regrets of the dying, “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” it reminded me that yes it may be scary to live my authentic truth and just be me, but it is totally worth it. So I went on a quest to discover what a dream life looks like to me, my authenticity and love her.
Living Her Way. That's where this blog was born.
Are you looking for the coolest fitness classes in Brooklyn? Whether you're a seasoned fitness pro or at the start of your journey, you have come to the coolest resource.…
Is one of your New Year's resolutions to implement the habit of reading more books? Implement life-changing knowledge from some of the best self-growth books. Learn how to strengthen and…
Have you been feeling a bit meh with your self-love practices recently? With these 5 powerful self-love practices, your happiness, fulfillment and self-love will receive a much-needed boost! From living…
Have you just moved to the city? Or maybe you have been living here and you're ready to branch out and make new friends in New York City? These are…
Are you ready to feel more confident and step into your self-worth? Let these 115 positive self-esteem affirmations remind you of your worth. Saying affirmations is not all there is…