Passionate Travel and Self Empowerment blogger

Meet Living Her Way

About Lana.

I'm Lana, an Australian committed to creating and living a more happy and fulfilling life that I'm passionate about. I've always wanted to live a life that's true to me but it didn't always feel easy. Whenever I hear this quote from the top 5 regrets of the dying, “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” it reminds me that yes, it may be scary to embrace my authenticity and just be me, but it is totally worth it. So I went on a quest to discover my authenticity and love her.

Living Her Way. That's where this blog was born. As I continue to courageously live my way, I want to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day that you're proud of.

Living Her Way is for the people who want to create and live a more happy and fulfilling life their way. 

2016 was the year that my personal development journey began. I absolutely love music, dancing and being in the sunshine and around the ocean. I'm a lover of life and I love to explore, learn, grow and discover new places and things.

My top 3 values are happiness, fulfilment and freedom. And, I've chosen to live and create a life and lifestyle in alignment with this. I've always had this desire to do something incredible with this one precious life, and this blog is a part of that something! 

From all the times that life did not go my way, I carved my own way.

Thank you for being here. I hope that I can remind and inspire you through this blog that you are worthy and deserving of living a life that feels happy and fulfilling.

Let’s live this life to the fullest together, not perfectly.



stay in touch

It's the little things. 


Check Out Lana's Writing Portfolio 


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