How to Uplift Your Mood and Overcome a Bad Day

This blog post will share a list of 8 simple strategies to help uplift your mood when you’re having ‘one of those days.’

We all have bad days from time to time—days when nothing seems to be going right, and
everything seems to be going wrong. And depending on the circumstances, it can often seem
impossible to uplift your mood when those days occur. But the truth is, you actually have more
control over your mood than you may think.

 how to uplift your mood

A bad day can really get you down—but you don’t have to stay there. Here’s a list of 8 simple
strategies to help shift your mood in a positive direction and add to your happiness when you’re having “one of those

Wear Something Nice

There’s an old saying that goes, “When you look good, you feel good.” And it turns out that
there’s research to back it up. Studies show that what we wear can impact our mood, attitude,
and behaviors. And I couldn’t agree more.

When I wear sweats or pyjamas all day, I tend to feel sluggish and less motivated, which affects
the way I think and act towards myself and others. But when I put together a nice outfit, on the
other hand, it almost always seems to lift my spirits.

It makes me feel confident and energetic throughout my day, which enhances the way I view myself and the world around me.

Face Your Feelings

Accept your feelings without judgment. Being able to acknowledge our negative emotions can
often help us move past them.

By accepting our emotions—rather than suppressing them—we can express our feelings in a
healthy way. This practice is good for building self-awareness, emotional tolerance, and so
much more.

To uplift your mood on a bad day, simply remind yourself that your feelings are valid, and that
they’re only temporary. By accepting what you’re feeling in the moment, you can shift your
mood from bad to good sooner rather than later.

Focus on Your Breathing

Breathe more, stress less. When you find yourself in a bad mood, focus your attention on your

Slow, deep breathing is a simple technique that can promote relaxation and
calmness of mind.

We’re constantly breathing—but we rarely take time to notice it. Taking a moment to focus on your breathing can help you regain control over your thoughts and emotions, increasing your happiness and awareness over time.

How to uplift your mood

Try a Change of Scenery

Sometimes, the key to feeling better is to simply change your environment.
Walking in nature, reorganizing your physical space, or exploring a nearby town can be great
ways to refresh your mind on a bad day.

By changing your surroundings, you can break free
from the mundane routines of everyday life. A slight change of scenery can enhance your
mood, prevent boredom, and give you a new spark of inspiration.

How to uplift your mood

Enjoy Simple Pleasures

Do more of the things you love.

Engaging in simple pleasures can enhance your energy,
creativity, and overall well-being.

Reading a good book, listening to your favorite podcast, or
visiting a cute coffee shop can add a boost of positivity to your day.

Simple pleasures have the power to rejuvenate us and increase our joy, even on our toughest

Embrace Self-Care

Self-care is essential for improving your mood—and overall health. Whether you’re having a
good day or bad day, it’s important to prioritize self-care.

For me personally—prioritizing rest, taking daily walks, and reducing caffeine are small acts of
self-care that maintain my mood and overall happiness.

If you find it difficult to prioritize self-care, try implementing a “Self-Care Sunday” weekly
routine for motivation.

Look at Old Photographs

Reliving happy memories by looking at old photos is my favorite way to uplift my mood.

Revisiting your best moments can bring a sense of calm, energy, and nostalgia when you’re
dealing with difficult emotions.

Focusing on happier times can help you turn a bad day into a better one. It can also serve as a
reminder that tough days don’t last forever.

Release What You Can’t Control

Things will happen outside of our control—that’s life. To maintain inner peace, we must be
willing to release the things we can’t control, and focus on the things we can.

Speaking from experience, this skill requires a LOT of practice. But it’s worth the effort. When you find yourself having a bad day, give your attention to the things that are “within your
power.” And let go of the rest.

The truth is, we can’t always control what happens around us. But we can always control what
goes on inside of us. Sometimes, a change of perspective is all it takes to uplift your mood and
transform your mindset.

Trust that things are happening for you—not to you—even when you
don’t quite understand. With a little change of perspective, you can invite more happiness and
positivity in your life.

What are the best ways you uplift your mood when you’re having one of those days? Comment below your response and share it with the Living Her Way community. 💚

Sheenia is a former teacher turned freelance content writer based in Texas. She’s also the creator of Live Love & Blossom lifestyle blog. In her spare time, Sheenia enjoys cooking new recipes, being in nature, and watching movies with her family.

Love Lana


  • Sheenia says:

    Awesome! Thanks so much for inviting me to share my thoughts. ❤️

    • Lana says:

      Thank you for creating this blog post Sheenia. Loved having you contribute to the Living Her Way website and community. ❤️

  • Monika says:

    Very useful article. Great read.

    • Dahlia A says:

      A great read. I especially love the notion of embracing simple pleasures.

      • Lana says:

        Thanks Dahlia. It does feel so good to embrace the simple pleasures in life.

    • Lana says:

      Hey Monika, thank you for your kind comment!

  • Kelly says:

    Great advice, and thanks for sharing!

    • Lana says:

      Thanks for reading Kelly!

  • Nicole M says:

    Love this! Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Great ideas to boost a bad mood!

  • Anthuwin Cupido says:

    Very well-written article and the information provided will uplift anyone’s mood!

    • Lana says:

      Thank you for your kind comment Anthuwin!

  • Shakia says:

    I love these wonderful tips on how to overcome a bad day, especially the self-care!

  • Carolyn says:

    Remembering that things are happening for me and not to me is a hard one. I try say it over and over when i feel overwhelmed. Love your list and such a great reminder. Thank you.

    • Lana says:

      Thanks for sharing this Carolyn. You are amazing. ☺️

  • Pradnya says:

    You are right. Wearing something nice, such a simple thing yet it never strikes as something that would change our mood. And yet it does always! One more point to add to me checklist.

    • Lana says:

      Thanks Pradnya! Yeah, wearing clothes that make you feel good is simple, yet effective. ☺️

  • Eshna says:

    Loved it.. thanks!

  • Hari says:

    So many practical tips on uplifting our mood and overcoming a bad day. Thanks for sharing!

  • Jill says:

    I love how you said it’s good to recognize negative thoughts so that we can express them in a healthy way. So true. If we suppress them there’s a higher chance of projecting them on others. Great post 🙂

    • Lana says:

      Thanks Jill. I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Sheenia’s post.

  • Karen Kasberg says:

    I love the idea of looking at old photos to uplift my mood on a bad day. Self-care is also at the top of my priority list every day. Taking a little bit of time for myself is a wonderful mood lifter. Great tips!

    • Lana says:

      Amazing that you’re prioritising your self-care. It really is so important. Thanks for reading Karen.

  • Nicole Garbellini says:

    I love these tips, especially the first one, and it is so true. When you look good, you immediately feel good- or at least better.

    • Lana says:

      Glad you loved the tips Nicole. ☺️

  • Kate says:

    Love the idea of “wear something nice”, that definitely does help over come a bad day! Love these ideas, thanks for sharing!

  • Lauren says:

    Inspired!! Thank you!

    • Lana says:

      Woo! Glad you feel inspired. You’re so welcome. ☺️

  • Joe Rodriguez says:

    Simple and practical advice that even guys can take advantage of. Thank you.

    • Lana says:

      Glad you found this post valuable Joe. Have a great weekend. ☺️

  • Selene says:

    I am a stronger believer that your outfit can change your mood instantly. It can lift our spirit and confidence so much that this a “trick” that does it for me! Great tips 🙂

    • Lana says:

      Well said Selene! Thanks for reading the Living Her Way website’s Blog posts. ☺️

  • Lavanda Michelle says:

    Wearing something nice and focusing on my breathing are game-changers for me. Looking forward to implementing more of these ideas into my routine.

    • Lana says:

      Yes, remembering to take deep breaths is so important! Glad you feel inspired to implement some of these ideas into your routine. ☺️

  • Marysa says:

    These are plenty of bad days, so it is good to have strategies to get past it. I think it is important to be able to move past a bad day, otherwise it will really affect your life.

    • Lana says:

      Well said. Thanks for sharing Marysa. ☺️

  • Manasi Wagh says:

    Amazing….thanks for this blog. 🙂

    • Lana says:

      You’re so welcome. I’m glad you like the blog. ☺️

  • Beautiful Touches says:

    These are really solid suggestions on trying to overcome a bad day! A lot of these are really good for grounding when dealing with stress or anxiety too!

    • Lana says:

      Love that you found them solid suggestions! Thanks for reading. ☺️

  • laura says:

    So inspiring post, that I will keep in mind as well. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    • Lana says:

      Thank you for reading Laura! I hope you have an awesome weekend. ☺️

  • Charli Dee says:

    Beautiful post! What really stuck out to me was enjoying simple pleasures. I’m used to keeping myself very busy so I have a hard time relaxing and delving into the things I enjoy. I tend to feel guilty because I feel I am wasting time. I am learning to enjoy my free time and not think about work. Work will be there when I return. Rest is important too. Another tip you mentioned that stood out to me was face your feelings. I’m a very emotional person, and that is something I used to be ashamed of. Now I’m trying to embrace that it is ok to feel the feelings I’m feeling, especially sadness. Whenever I’m sad I feel like it’s the end of the world and I’ll feel like this forever, but like you said, the emotions will pass, and I am learning that. Thankyou for this wonderful post!

    • Lana says:

      Thank you for sharing Charli. You are doing amazing. 💚

  • Everything Enchanting says:

    Such great advice! I always take a long walk by the lake or garden whenever I feel sad or depressed. I’ll keep these tips in mind, thanks for sharing 🙂.

    • Lana says:

      I love long walks in nature too! Thank you for reading. ☺️

  • EILEEN BURNS says:

    Lovely simple and easy ways to uplift your mood, nice suggestions

    • Lana says:

      Thanks for reading Eileen. I’m glad you found them lovely. ☺️

  • Candy says:

    Thanks for these uplifting strategies, Sheenia! It’s reassuring to know that we have the power to improve our mood, even on the toughest days. I’m looking forward to trying out your tips next time I need a boost. Your advice is a great reminder that we can take small steps to turn our day around.

  • Alana says:

    Thanks for these uplifting tips. I have had a few bad days and really needed to read some inspiring strategies to lift my mood.


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