How to Afford to Travel

Have you ever wondered how you can afford to fund your travel dreams? This blog post covers the ins and outs of my best tips to help you afford to travel.

How to Afford to Travel- Living Her Way

Are you ready to incorporate travel more into your life?

Do you hold the belief that you have to have a lot of money to travel the world?

Travel does not have to be as expensive as many people think it is!

Yes, you can spend a lot on travel and yes, you can spend a little.

Now, let’s get into how you can afford to travel!

Travel! Money returns, but your time does not.

Make memories that last a lifetime!

If not now, then when?

Life really does go quicker than we realise. Don’t be afraid to spend money on travel and life experiences.

Are you ready to have your ‘how to afford to travel’ question answered?

How to Afford to Travel

How to Travel For Free

When travelling, one of the biggest costs is your accommodation. These opportunities allow you to receive free accommodation and with some, you receive free food too.

How to Afford to Travel- Living Her Way

How to Travel on a Budget

One way that you can afford to travel on a budget is to book your accommodation through affordable accommodation websites such as:





  • Cook your own food
  • Stay in places for longer periods of time
  • Eat at local cuisine restaurants when abroad
  • Share accommodation costs with your bestie or partner
  • Embrace public transport or walking more often
  • Plan and organise ahead. Write down a rough idea of what you want to do and your allocated budget for your travels. Then decide how much you will need to save for your travel budget with additional money for extra costs.
  • Consider using budget airlines: Jetstar and Skyscanner
  • Work while you travel
  • Look around for food specials in your destination: lunch specials, weekly specials, end of day specials

Best Work and Travel Jobs

  • Become an Au pair (Childcare worker/ Nanny) Website: AuPairWorld
  • Flight Attendant
  • Cruise Ship Worker
  • Seasonal jobs: Ski and Snowboard Instructor
  • Work on a Yacht: Captain, Deckhand or Stewardess
  • Teach English Abroad
  • Digital Nomad Jobs: Virtual Assistant, Content Creator, Entrepreneur or Freelancer on websites like Upwork
  • Travelling Bartender/Waitress

Ways You Can Incorporate More Travel into Your Lifestyle

If you want to incorporate more travel into your lifestyle, here are some ways that you can do that:

  • Embrace a more minimalistic lifestyle: have fewer things, less stuff, and less financial stress (cut down on your living costs).
  • Travel on your weekends and long weekends. Visit different towns and cities within your own country
  • Visit inexpensive destinations
  • Choose destinations that offer the least expensive flights from your destination E.g Flights from Australia to Bali
  • Rent out your room/ home while you’re away travelling
  • Focus on what matters to you most. If travel is a priority of yours in this season of your life, you will create ways to make it happen. ☺️

Best Ways to Save Money for Travel

“Spend less money than you earn each month.”

  • Cut out unnecessary spending costs
  • Shops for things you want/ need on Facebook Marketplace
  • Sell items that you don’t need or want anymore
  • Move back home for a period of time to save money on rent
  • Buy things when it makes sense. When I heard this tip it really helped me change my habit of buying everything on my to-buy list straight away. Furthermore, buy things as you really need them. Then, buy the additional things on your to-buy list when it makes sense to
  • Shop around for the best deals/specials in different supermarkets for your weekly groceries
  • Select a cheaper phone plan or opt for a prepaid plan
  • Cancel subscriptions you’re not using anymore. Or put them on hold while you save money for travel
  • Have a ‘no spend week/weekend’. Enjoy free activities, time in nature and preparing nourishing home-cooked meals
  • Take control of your finances. Look at how much you are spending each month and what on. I can recommend these resources (Podcasts and Books) to increase your knowledge about your finances and financial situation: She’s on The Money Podcast Girls That Invest Podcast Books: The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich She’s on the Money: Take charge of your financial future 
  • Additional tip: Save money by listening to audiobooks through a Spotify Premium Plan rather than buying each book individually

If you’re needing inspiration on ways you can enjoy your time while you are saving money for your travels, check out my 100 Simple Pleasures Blog post.

How to Save Money When Travelling

  • Look for awesome free things to do
  • Pack and bring your food with you
  • Explore local markets
  • Do your research. Google and blogs 😉 are great place to find the best tips and places to go in your destination
  • Stick to your allocated travel budget
  • Use Travel Apps
  • Use local transport
  • Use Wise to save on fees when sending money abroad
  • Turn off your mobile data and roaming before you board your flight
  • Embrace local experiences. e.g homestays
  • Fill up your own water bottle and bring it with you
How to Afford to Travel- Living Her Way

Remind Yourself of Your Why

Lastly, remind yourself of your why. Your motivation to save money for travel.

One thing that motivates me when it comes to saving money for travel my passion for travel! It makes me feel happy and travel feels meaningful to me.

Tip: Create a vision board for your travels to make you feel excited and motivated to work towards your goal of being able to afford to travel. Include your favourite places, people and experiences that you would like to create.

Journal Prompts for becoming clearer on your why:

Why do you want to travel?

Why is travel so important to you?

If travelling is a goal of yours, apply some of the recommendations I have shared in this blog post so that you can start living in alignment with your goal/dream. Thus, actually being able to afford to travel and make your travel dreams happen. 💚✈️

What are your best tips on how to afford to travel? Share your comment with the Living Her Way community below.

If you have any questions, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below. Additionally, you can send me an email.

As always, thank you for being here. 😊

Welcome! Lana is the founder of Living Her Way. She's passionate about all things Travel and Self-Empowerment. Lana's mission is to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

Love Lana


  • Nicole says:

    This blog post is so helpful and informative! I love to travel but always struggle with how to afford it. The tips and advice provided here are practical and realistic. Can’t wait to start implementing them and saving up for my next adventure! Thank you for sharing these valuable insights.

  • Amanda says:

    SO many great tips!

  • Jolayne says:

    I am a big proponent of setting up a monthly transfer to a travel savings account. You will use it up and start again, but it is a good habit to start.

  • Angelia says:

    So many great tips! I will have to follow these and travel more!

  • Under flowery sky says:

    Amazing post and great images, I used to volunteer which is a great way to fund your travels
    or make costs lesser…

  • Krista says:

    I would love to look into the house sitting thing!

  • Great helpful suggestions thank you! Travel has become so expensive and these money saving tips are sure to help.

  • Julia says:

    Nice research, especially online services for budget travelling. Thanks for sharing!

  • Lauren Maker says:

    Love this! There isn’t anything better than traveling!

  • Josy A says:

    Great tips!

    I totally did a lot of these when I was younger. I find it much harder to do the super cheap accommodation options now I have a husband (but we also both have careers now… so the au pair/travel job options are not going to work for us.) BUT the saving money tips are always useful.

  • Sonja says:

    I love these actionable steps you have listed. Anyone, after reading this, I really mean anyone can afford to travel if they really want to!

  • Sonja says:

    I love these actionable steps you have listed. Anyone, after reading this, I really mean anyone can afford to travel if they really want to!

  • Sonia says:

    Great suggestions. So many opportunities especially for those willing to work or volunteer abroad.

  • Anja says:

    I’ve gone down the classic route, education first, and I travelled on an ultra low budget whenever I could. Now I make a decent salary but I still travel on a modest budget – small family run guesthouses, local transport, keeping an eye on my expenses.

  • Tell Me Everything says:

    Some great practical tips here! A lot of resources I haven’t heard of and wasn’t aware to look into! Great post!

  • Sharyn says:

    Great post laying out ways to travel cheaper. I have been traveling and working my way around the world for some 30 years and think it is one of the best ways to travel the world.

  • Sharyn says:

    I’m currently working and travelling my way around Australia and being able to travel with my accommodation also makes a huge difference for the length I can travel for. I like to work a few months, then travel a few – works for me.

  • Carmen says:

    Cooking while traveling can be a game changer on the budget AND I find I feel better eating some home cooked food that my body is more used to while away from home. Great tips!

  • Michelle says:

    These are great tips, especially your budget-related tips and book recommendations. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  • Tess says:

    I love this post!! So many people definitely have the perception that travel is super inaccessible and always expensive, and that’s totally not true. Thanks for all the great ideas to save money for travel/travel on a budget!

  • Christy says:

    I didn’t realize there were so many ways to take advantage of free travel. I need to look into those methods. I love all the finance podcasts and books you listed.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Some really good advice and smart ideas here, thank you!”

  • Roseline says:

    Lovely and motivating share, i have wanted to travel for so long but finances and fear always hold me back,now to be honest, i have never thought of traveling on a budget, but then, there is a difference between traveling and vacationing(in my opinion) i love and prefer to vacation than to just travel.

  • Paula Marshall says:

    Some great tips in this post!

    We haven’t traveled too much lately but would like to do some more soon and this is a great way to get started!

  • Carolyn M says:

    I’ve started travel hacking with credit cards. For the last couple of years much of my travel has been free!

  • Chloe says:

    Love these tips 🙂

  • Meghan says:

    I love the section in this about the reminder of why you want to travel and are making it a priority. Motivation is an important tool and truly makes a difference!

  • Miss Simplitty says:

    Great tips. Very useful.


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