8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life

Are you ready to improve your life and start living the life that makes you feel more happy and fulfilled daily? This post shares 8 ways to make positive changes in your life to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

Have you heard this quote before?

“6 months of focus and hard work can put you five years ahead in life.

What I received from this quote was:

If you’re willing to show up, commit and make the changes necessary- in just 6 months of dedication it can indeed put you further ahead instead of waiting for the next year, the next six months to make that change that you want in your life.

Making positive changes in your life won’t always feel easy. It requires your willingness to learn and grow.

“Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound and turn into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.”

– James Clear

“Building habits in the present allows you to do more of what you want in the future.”

– James Clear

Making positive changes in your life does require you to believe in yourself, to trust yourself and to take responsibility for your dreams.

You are more than capable of making the positive changes in your life to make your dreams come true.

Let’s go!

Quotes to Ignite Your Spark to Make Positive Changes in Your Life

With patience and determination, you can go very far.

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

Anything could change at any minute for you, so please do not lose faith.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell

Focus on what’s in front of you not what’s behind you.

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

“I hope we all learn how to accept change as a process of being alive.” – Jenna Kutcher

Your dreams are your responsibility. You can talk about them and you can think about them forever, or you can make them happen.

Reminder from my Free Daily Self-Empowerment Reminders eBook

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. – Rumi

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life

1. Set and maintain healthy boundaries

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in your life is a great way to start making positive changes in your life.

Boundaries can help you in respecting your time, energy and health. They can also be a form of taking care of yourself.

Simple ways that you can start to define your own personal boundaries:

  • Get clear on your priorities
  • Say no when you need and want to
  • Find out what is okay for you and what is not (how you would like to be treated and how you would not like to be treated)
  • Practice self-awareness
  • Know your values and what truly matters to you in life and start to living in alignment with them

2. Think big

Thinking big can be an expansive way to start making positive changes in your life!

When I allow myself to think big (bigger than what I’m already allowing myself to think) it opens me up to new possibilities and ways of experiencing my life!

“Whatever your goals are right now, dream a LOT bigger. If this excites you, GREAT! If it scares you, EVEN BETTER!” – Jessica Williamson

A shift in your thinking/perspective can be simple, yet very transformative!

Read more on The Power of Big Thinking: Achieve Your Dream Life

Overall, if I didn’t think big for my future I may not have started this website as soon as I did!

Not only can big thinking support you in making positive changes in your life, but this combined with inspired action is a recipe for making progress towards your dreams!

Where in your life are you thinking small?

And now, where in your life can you think bigger for your potential and future?

It takes work and courage to think big and to actually allow yourself to become that version of yourself who has what she wants and dreams of.

Empowering Mindset Affirmation:

I allow myself to think big for my potential and my future.

I take daily actions towards my most happy and fulfilling life- the life I love and cherish!

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

3. Set goals and focus on taking action to achieve them

Setting goals and showing up for your goals consistently is a sure way to make positive changes in your life.

Journal Prompts to help you define your goals:

  • Where do I want to be in the future?
  • What is a dream that I would like to achieve? You can use this question for all areas of your life.

When you are clearer on what the life you want to live and your dreams look like, you can start setting goals to achieve it.

Hot tip:

Work backwards from your goals…

Now that you have become clearer on where you want to be,

What steps can you take from where you at now, to get to where you would like to be?

  • What action(s) do you need to take?
  • What do you need to let go of?
  • Who do you need to become from a place of “I am already enough”?
  • This version of you who has what she wants and who is already living the life that you want to live.. What is she doing? Who is she being?

Goals are more concrete and practical compared to dreams. In essence, dreams are the broader visions or ideals, while goals are the actionable steps you take to turn those dreams into reality. Goals provide a roadmap to help you realize your dreams.”

✅ Show up!

✅ Take regular and consistent action towards your goals & dreams

✅ Make your dreams a reality 🙌

4. Acquire knowledge about your finances and take charge of your financial future

Taking charge of your financial future can sometimes seem like a ‘boring’ concept. But, it’s truly one of the beneficial ways to make positive changes in your life.

Overall, improving and understanding your financial literacy can help you achieve your goals, such as having enough money to afford to travel the world and achieve your dreams.

Knowledgeable and professional resources to improve your financial literacy:

Journal Prompts to help you take charge of your financial future:

  • What are the financial goals that I would like to achieve for my future?
  • How do I want to feel financially? What does this look like in my life? What do I have the money to be able to afford?
  • How can I create more financial freedom for myself in the future? What actions do I need to take now to make that happen?
  • What actions can I take now to be more on top of my finances?

Saving Money Tip:

“Spend less money than you earn.”

5. Refine your daily healthy habits

One of the ways to make positive changes in your life is to refine your daily habits.

“You get what you repeat.”

“Your habits are how you embody your identity.”

“The outside world only sees the most dramatic event, rather than all the work that preceded it.”

“Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound and turn into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.”

– Quotes by James Clear

Your daily habits can help you become the best version of yourself. They are crucial in creating positive changes in your life as your daily habits compound over time.

Daily healthy habits to practice to help you make positive changes in your life:

  • Self-care
  • Self-love
  • Journal your thoughts, feelings, dreams and emotions
  • Do at least one thing every day that pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps you grow and expand
  • Listen to Podcasts
  • Read a personal development book
  • Eat well-balanced nutritional meals
  • Ensure you are drinking your daily water intake
  • Take your vitamins and supplements
  • Do something that makes you happy
  • Meditate
  • Practice gratitude
  • Mindfulness
  • Practice positive self-talk and beliefs about yourself & your life
  • Take deep breaths
  • Plan your day, week and to-do list
  • Take walks and get your steps in
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Workout/ move your body

Which healthy habits would you like to improve on for the rest of the year?

One thing that has helped me stay motivated towards being consistent and showing up for my daily healthy habits has been, being clear on my priorities and dreams. You may say, a purpose or a strong underlying why.

Journal Prompts to help you become clear on your priorities and stay motivated towards your daily healthy habits:

What are your priorities in life?

What are your main goals and dreams that you are working on achieving? What dreams would you like to have accomplished this year?

Now, what are your priorities in this season of your life?

6. Declutter

Decluttering and letting go of what no longer serves you is one of the amazing ways to make positive changes in your life.

When you let go of what no longer serves you, you make room for the new to grow and come into your life.

Ways that you can declutter and let go of things:

  • Physically: Your personal belongings. Could you declutter any of your unnecessary belongings?
  • The people you surround yourself with. Set boundaries when and where they are necessary and let go of friends that no longer you in a positive way
  • Practice forgiveness
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Swap out unhealthy habits with new positive habits that reinforce the positive changes that you would like to make and have in your life
  • Your responsibilities and engagements (social events and activities etc)- where in your life are you over-committing yourself? Where in your life and what can you say no to?

Decluttering does’nt mean that you have to let go of everything in your life. Decluttering is making room for the new and what truly serves you and your highest potential.

Lastly, making this positive change of decluttering can free up space for you to maintain more balance in your life

and support you with focusing on the right things

such as your goals, vision and what matters to YOU!

8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life- Living Her Way

Reminder from my Daily Self-Empowerment Reminders eBook

7. Limit your social media usage

Limiting your social media usage can be an uplifting and beneficial way to make positive changes in your life. The time and energy you can reclaim from limiting your social media usage can be used towards showing up for your dreams or your main goals and other priorities instead!

When it goes unnoticed, social media can take up soo much of your time and years of your life!

Recommended Read:

Time Magic: Reclaim Your Time, Reclaim Your Life by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst

How to start limiting your social media usage:

  • Mute stories and posts on Instagram
  • Use a screen-time blocker App such as Opal
  • Define why it’s important to you to reclaim your time and energy for your priorities rather than social media
  • Do things that you’re passionate about (spend time with friends, your health and fitness, achieving your dreams)

The more you practice replacing mindless scrolling with your own life, goals & life priorities the more naturally it can become a daily habit to limit your social media usage.

Watch 6 easy hacks to stop you from endlessly scrolling

8. Improve your self-image

A very transformative way to make a positive change in your life is to improve your self-image.

Your self-image may include- your self-identity, the way you view yourself and your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and ‘stories’ about yourself.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” 

– Dr. Wayne Dyer

According to positivepsychology.com, your self-image is “how you perceive yourself.”

I’ve found that when I perceive myself in a brighter light, I perceive the world in a brighter light too.

Loving myself and improving my self-image has absolutely brought me more happiness and fulfilment in my life.

And I hope that this tip can help you improve your happiness and fulfilment too!

Simple ways that you can start improving and enhancing your self-image:

  • Loving yourself
  • Self-reflection
  • Practice gratitude for all the good already in your life and about yourself
  • Positive self-talk, beliefs and stories about yourself
  • Believing that anything is possible for you!
  • Catch your thoughts through improved self-awareness
  • Take care of yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally
  • Understand your needs and cater to them
  • Take action- keep momentum and the progress in your life moving forward
  • Maintain a growth orientated mindset
  • Replace negative self-talk with reaffirming positive and empowering mindset beliefs

Rarely does long-lasting positive change come from hating ourselves into change.

Thus, when making positive changes in your life towards your dreams and to get where you want to be, developing and continuously practising true self-love and being there for yourself is key.

Additional Tip: Focus on one thing

Do you feel super motivated to make all these positive changes in your life all at once?

Focusing on one thing at a time may be a great tip for you when you are making positive changes in your life. It sure was for me.

Further, it may help you accomplish more rather than feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed by trying to make all these positive changes in your life all at once.

What is one thing you would like to improve in your life?

Once you get clear on that one positive change and what you can do to achieve it- do it!

You really do learn along the way by doing the thing.

So start doing the thing and once you feel like you can add on more, add in additional changes to your life and build & expand gradually.

“Getting extraordinary results is all about creating a domino effect in your life.”

– Gary Keller

To make my dreams come true, I chose to make positive changes in my life.

It wasn’t always easy and these changes weren’t just a one-time thing but a continuous choice and change.

I hope that these 8 Ways to Make Positive Changes in Your Life have helped you to feel more motivated, ready and passionate to make positive changes in your life!

Final Questions to motivate you to take aligned action:

  • What’s one positive step you can take today towards the life that you want to be living?
  • What positive changes are you ready to make in your life right now?

What’s one positive change that you have made that’s changed your life for the better? Share your response with the Living Her Way community in the comments below.

If you have any questions, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below. Additionally, you can contact me on my email

As always, thank you for being here! 😊

Welcome! Lana is the founder of Living Her Way. She's passionate about all things Travel and Self-Empowerment. Lana's mission is to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

Love Lana


  • Marzia says:

    It’s crazy how sometimes even the slightest change can make such a difference in you life.

  • Under flowery sky says:

    Awesome quotes, very inspiring and great guide to always look at the bright side of life..

  • Otherwisr Kate says:

    I loved this article! I’m already working on some of these changes as the article definitely gave me food for thought, thank you.

  • Ella says:

    Love the color theme of your blog!

  • Anthuwin Cupido says:

    Positive changes in life are incredibly important, as they can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being and happiness. I’ve found that embracing positive changes, no matter how small, can have a cascading effect on various aspects of my life. Great article!

  • Pantea Rahimian says:

    One of the best tips you gave me was to spend less time on social media. Ever since I’ve been limiting my time on Instagram and Facebook I notice that I feel better AND have more time to do what I love! I also find that my anxiety and stress have decreased esp., my Sunday Night anxiety before going to work!

  • Trichelle says:

    This was such a great read. Setting boundaries is so important although it can be tough sometimes.

  • Jacqie Naya says:

    This was so refreshing to read! Thank you for these tips and suggestions..

  • elizabeth says:

    This is so inspirational and a great resource, especially the further reading ideas! Thanks!

  • Miss Simplitty says:

    Nice tips. It’s inspirational.

  • Emma says:

    Super useful post!

  • Elaine says:

    Thanks for your encouragement. Your post was a true pick me up.

  • Dipak says:

    This was really interesting read. I appreciate it.


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