Ways to End the Year Feeling Satisfied and Prepare for a Successful & Happy 2025

Are you feeling eager to end the year feeling satisfied and successful & happy as you start your new year?

Are you ready to regain your focus for the rest of the year and as you step into 2025?

This blog post shares 11 ways to support you in ending the year feeling satisfied and prepared for a successful & happy 2025!

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

It’s August of 2024 as I’m writing this blog post.

That means there’s still 4 months left of the year!

In four months, you will either have four months of excuses

 or four months of progress.

The choice is yours.”

Have you ever noticed yourself saying, “I’ll wait for the new year to make that positive change I want in my life”?

What if you could take one step towards the life you want to be living TODAY?

This year can still be your year.

Whether you start today or you start next year, the choice is yours.


if you start today to create positive change in your life and work towards your dreams,

you will have made far much more progress than if you waited until next year to begin.

I hope that this blog post reminds and motivates you to live the rest of your year to the fullest and to make it the best rest of your year as you prepare for your successful and happy 2025!

Why not?


Quotes to inspire you to end the year feeling accomplished

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

– Mark Twain

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”

— Jim Rohn

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025

Read Personal Development Books

A great way to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025 is to develop a habit of reading!

Next time you feel like scrolling on your phone before bed, try swapping it out for reading a book.

The benefits of reading:

  • Reduces your stress levels
  • Promotes your wellness
  • Strengthens your brain- prevents Alzheimers and Dementia
  • Great for your night-time routine to help you wind down
  • Inspires you!
  • Expands your knowledge
  • Boosts your creativity and imagination
  • Reading builds your vocabulary and enhances your conversational skills

Best Ways to read your reading list in 2024

  • Kindle eBook reader
  • Audible audiobooks 
  • Spotify Premium audiobooks
  • Paperback copy 
Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Strengthen your systems in your life & business

Strengthening your systems in your life is a potent way to end your year feeling satisfied and prepared for a successful 2025.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there.
This year, spend less time focusing on outcomes and more time focusing on the habits that precede the results.”

– James Clear

If you don’t yet have systems in your life or your business,

where could you implement them into your daily routines and rituals?

If you do already have systems, can you complete an audit/ review so that you can strengthen your systems to ensure that you are alignned with focusing on the right things.

How to start creating better systems in your life:

  • Identify where in your life and/or business you would like to improve e.g time management and time prioritisation
  • Become clear on what you would like to achieve and the results that you want to have in your life
  • Write down what are the right things & actions that you need to focus on to help you achieve your desired outcome/goals
  • What consistent daily habits do you need to prioritise to accomplish your goals?
Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Refine your daily healthy habits

With whatever time that you have left of your year as you’re reading this,

it’s time to check in and have an honest look at yourself and your habits.

Are you showing up for your best life? Or have you fallen off the aligned action bandwagon a bit?

Are you ready to reprioritise your days and time to choose your goals and future dreams?

The best time to check in with your daily healthy habits is now.

*** You do not need to wait for the new year to change your life!

Start now.

Just start where you are.

And you will have achieved more progress in your life compared to if you started by the time 2025 comes along.

Action step:

Refine your daily habits in your routine for success today.

Food for thought:

“When we want success, we focus on goals.
When we want to be a successful person, we focus on habits.”

– Dan Rye

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Buy a new planner/ journal/ diary

Why wait for the new year to buy your planner?

If you’re ready to feel on top of your things before the year ends,

get in early on purchasing your diary/planners and journals.

It can be a great way to refresh outdated routines & habits and reprioritise your main goals & projects for the rest of the year.

To give you a boost of motivation, reset and reprioritise your time & energy before the year ends:

  • A new journal
  • A habit tracker
  • A 2024/2025 Planner
  • A gratitude journal
  • Affirmation card deck

Manage and be on top of your finances

To save you from that end-of-year stress, this tip is here to help you manage your finances now, so you can feel less stress fininacially for the end-of-the-year celebrations and Christmas.

Complete a financial audit where you look at your financial situation.

What’s coming in?

What’s going out?

Questions to help you complete your financial audit:

  • How have your spending habits been?
  • Where can you cut down on extra & unnecessary purchases?
  • What are your cost of living expenses?
  • What is your approximate budget for the end-of-year season?
  • How would you like to feel and be financially going into the new year?
  • What finincial systems do you have in place? What financial systems can you implement?
  • What do you need to do to be on top of your savings and finances?

Maybe you need to spend less than what you’re earning, raise your prices, offer a product or service, or pick up some extra shifts from your job.

By looking at your finances now and having a ‘game plan’ you can give your future self grace and hopefully more freedom too!

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Set up a 12-week goal to complete before the year ends

Have you heard of quarterly goal setting before?

Think of having only 12 weeks to achieve the goals that you set for yourself.

It’s a great way to expedite your goals by only giving yourself 12 weeks.

By putting systems and strategies ( an action plan & daily habits) into your daily routine this will help you to achieve your goals in 12 weeks.

12 weeks is a substantial amount of time to achieve your meaningful goals.

If you still have 12 weeks or more before the year ends, let’s achieve our meaningful goals together!

Journal Prompt:

What goal/goals would you like to have accomplished by the end of this year?

There’s this idea that,

we achieve our goals/ projects in the amount of time that we allow for it. For example, if you allow yourself 1 year to achieve your goal it will take one year. If you allow yourself 12 weeks to achieve that goal, it will take you 12 weeks.

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Try putting an end date on your goal

and see how much more you start to show up for and put in the work towards your goals.

Additional tip!

Setting meaningful goals that are in alignment with your values can really support you in achieving them.

Redefine your priorities

Now is a wonderful time to check in with how you’re going with focusing on your priorities.

If you’ve let some of your priorities slip before the year ends and you would like to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025:

Redefine your priorities for the final part of the year and prioritise your time.

✅ You are clear on your priorities

✅ You know the action steps, daily routines and habits that you need to focus on

✅ Now, prioritise your time, focus and energy to show up for and go all in on your priorities

Ways to end the year feeling satisfied and prepare for a successful & happy 2025- Living Her Way

Are you choosing your priorities that will set you up for and lead you into a more successful and happy 2025?

Are your priorities aligned with the version of you that you are ready to be/become in the year 2025?

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”

– Stephen Covey

By focusing on the routines and daily habits that are in alignment with your priorities, goals and dream life now, you’ll be well prepared and like a ‘well-oiled machine’ by the time 2025 comes around.

Journal prompt:

Why is showing up for my priorities and goals daily so important to me?

Do a clean up

It’s time to do a clean up before the year ends!

Yep, and not just physical things, but for example, any mindset beliefs, stories and behaviours that are no longer serving you and the version of you that you are becoming/ your true potential.

Journal prompts to recharge your mindset before the year ends:

  • Where am I playing small in my life and business?
  • What do I need to let go of that longer working for me?
  • Where in my life can I show up for myself and my dreams more?
  • Where am I ready to be more involved within my life?
  • What is a habit that I’m absolutely ready to stop?
  • What physical objects do I need to let go of in my home and car, etc to have more space?
  • Where do I need to courageously step into the future version of me now?
  • What blocks/ limiting beliefs/ energy drainers/ negativity am I no longer giving my time, energy and attention to?

Practice your self-care routine

Why not finish your year hopefully feeling vibrant and fresh rather than exhausted?

If you’re looking forward to ending your year feeling satisfied and prepared for a successful & happy 2025, start getting on top of your self-care routine.

Ensuring that you’re getting adequate sleep, nutritious meals and practising your healthy habits will support you to remain in tip-top shape as you finish the year and go into your new year.

Self-care tip:

Make sure you’re scheduling time in your daily and weekly routine to practice your self-care.

Ways that you can practice self-care:

  • Spend time in solitude to recollect your energy
  • Journal and self-reflection
  • Go on walks in nature
  • Visit the beach
  • Buy yourself delicious and nutritious food from the supermarkets
  • Use positive self-talk
  • Attend workout classes
  • Take a nap
  • Enjoy the simple pleasures and do things that make you happy
  • Go to a bathhouse for a sauna and soak session
  • Have an everything shower
  • Read a book
  • Mindfully take a few rounds of deep breaths

Complete an end-of-year audit/ review

Lastly, and a very exciting part is completing your end of year audit/ review!!

This is the part where you get to celebrate all that you’ve already done and how far you’ve come.

Once you’ve acknowledged all the great things you’ve accomplished this year,

do a big data analysis of what was working for you this year

and what is no longer worth your time, energy and attention.

What do you need to focus on & prirotise in 2025 that is worth your time, energy and focus

so that you can be closer to your dream life and your goals?

Which moves on us to the next point…

Successfully plan your 2025

Are you ready to start preparing for a successful & happy 2025?

Here are some exciting ways that you can prepare for the new year:

✨ Create a vision board or revamp your existing one.

✨ Organise your game plan for 2025- your daily habits, routines, priorities, non-negotiables and goals (12-week goals and goals for the year).

✨ Check-in with your big-picture vision. Your 2 year, 3, 5 and 10-year vision for your life. Where do see yourself? What are you doing? How are you living (your lifestyle)? Who’s by your side? How much money are you making? Are the decisions you are making this year in alignment with your big-picture vision? What are you doing that that makes you happy?

✨ What is your intention for this year? This can be as small or BIG as you would like it to be.

✨ What are you achieving this year?

✨ Plan in your calendar your important dates and events.

This is your year.

A final tip:

Practice gratitude.

Appreciate where you are already in your life, and practice gratitude for everything that you already have in your life.

Gratitude, it changes everything.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

– Oprah Winfrey

How are you setting yourself up for a successful and happy 2025? Let me and the Living Her Way community know in the comments section below!

If you have any questions, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below. Additionally, you can contact me via my email

As always, thank you for being here! 😊

Welcome! Lana is the founder of Living Her Way. She's passionate about all things Travel and Self-Empowerment. Lana's mission is to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

Love Lana


  • Cara says:

    Lana, this post is a fantastic reminder that we don’t have to wait for the new year to make positive changes! I love the emphasis on building systems and refining habits now to hit the ground running in 2025. Your practical tips, like completing a financial audit and setting 12-week goals, are helpful. Thanks for the motivation to make the rest of 2024 count! 😊 #goalsetting #personaldevelopment #newyearnewme

  • Katie Green says:

    Thanks for this inspiring post! I have been feeling the need to reset lately and have been working on it! This gave me some good things to think about and some possible things to implement! Thanks for sharing!

  • Jessica says:

    Very inspirational post! I get so much more accomplished when I set goals, write things down, and am organized!

  • Alex says:

    This was a great post! Thanks for sharing! I’ll have to write down that last quote…


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