How to Finally Start Taking Action Towards Your Dream Life Today!

Buckle yourself up for a whole lot of goodness and insights on how to finally start taking action towards your dream life that you can start doing today!

Are you ready to stop waiting and stop procrastinating and start DOING?

You’re going to want to read this blog post!

In this blog post you will learn how to finally start taking action towards your dream life TODAY so you can make your dreams come true!

How to Finally Start Taking Action Towards Your Dream Life Today- Living Her Way

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

How to Finally Start Taking Action Towards Your Dream Life Today!

Gain clarity on your dream life & work backwards to achieve your goals

If you’re not clear on the dream life you want to be living, you may feel overwhelmed or even confused about what action to take.

So, it’s time to gain clarity on what you want.

What do you want out of your life??

And, remember it’s okay to dream big! For yourself, for your life and future!

Best Journal Prompts Questions to Gain Clarity on Your Dream Life:

  1. What makes you feel passionate?
  2. What does my ideal dream life in the day look like? How do you feel?
  3. What do you value- truly value? What matters most to you?
  4. What feels fulfilling to you? (What gives you daily meaning and purpose?)
  5. What have you always wanted to do?

For more journaling prompts to help you gain clarity, I have written a whole blog post on the Best Journalling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life + a Free Aligned Action Roadmap.

Develop a big picture and long-term vision for your life and then work backwards.

When your vision is clear about the life you want to be living & what you want in your life,

you can work backwards to meet your goals

by taking present moment actions that are in alignment with your goals.

Aka, the aligned actions that bring you closer to having what it is that you want.

Action step:

Start journalling about where you want to be in 6 months from now

one year, three, five and even ten years from now!

Have fun with it and remind yourself it’s okay to live your big, courageous and beautiful dreams!

Fun action step: Create a vision board for your best life!

If I hadn’t allowed myself to think big for my life and my future I may have not have started my own business!

How to Finally Start Taking Action Towards Your Dream Life Today- Living Her Way

Surround yourself with other people who are taking action on their dreams

As you may already know, “You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with the most.” – Jim Rohn.

Thus, it’s pretty important to be selective with who you choose to surround yourself with.

If you’re reading this then you’re probably a big dreamer with a big potential that you just can’t wait to reach and make happen!

Go to events, places, meetups and gatherings where people are taking action towards their dream life.

Put yourself in environments that align with your dream life.

By being in places and connecting with people who are actively pursuing their dreams, it can be incredibly motivating and inspiring.

Connecting & building relationships with people who are also taking action towards their dreams can support you in:

  • Increasing your opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, or introductions to other people who can help you grow and expand on your path
  • Gaining and sharing positivity, motivation & inspiration!
  • Being around others who understand and are going through similar experiences can help you stay focused and resilient through mutual emotional support and encouragement
  • Challenging you to grow and expand beyond your comfort zone!
  • When you learn from others’ success stories, breakthroughs and how they overcame obstacles, it can give you that driving force to help you believe in your dreams and keep on going
Believe in your dreams quote- Living Her Way

Set goals that are in alignment with your true values

Setting goals that are in alignment with your true values is an amazing way to help you actually achieve them and long-lasting results.

The goals that you have,

when they are in alignment with your true values,

it will increase your feelings of happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment

and also feel like meaningful work.

For example, the work that I do on my website feels meaningful, fulfilling and purposeful as it is important to me, the value I share impacts people positively and it’s in alignment with my values and the life I want to live (my dream life).

If you are unsure what your core values are, here are incredible journal prompts to help you discover your values:

  • What truly matters to you and what feels most meaningful to you?
  • What do you love? What do you love to do?
  • How do you like to treat others? How do you like to be treated?
  • What would you like to give & contribute to others and the world?
  • What makes you happy? 
  • What makes you feel fulfilled?
  • Write down a list of the virtues that you value (e.g respect, freedom, loyalty)

Now that you feel more clear on your true values, audit your goals to see if they are in alignment with your values.

If not, set new goals that are in alignment with them and the life you want to be living (your dream life).

Do things that are in alignment with your dream life

Your dream life will be yours. Uniquely yours.

Have a look at your daily choices, routines and habits.

Are they in alignment with your highest self? The version of you who loves your life, is happy and fulfilled

and creating & living your dream life?

All of your micro and macro choices like watch you watch, what you listen to & read and how you spend your money & time,

is it in alignment with your dream life?

Reminder: You can love and enjoy your life while improving your life.

Focus on practising systems, habits and daily routines that are in alignment with your dream life and that support you to achieve your goals.

Prioritise your time and what you do with your time

One of the top tips to finally start taking action towards your dream life today is to

prioritise what and where you are spending your time.

Building your dream life and achieving your goals requires EFFORT and TIME.

If you don’t choose to spend time on your goals, your time will be spent elsewhere.

Thus, to finally start taking action towards your dream life, you will need to intentionally choose to.

It’s a choice to spend your time on your goals and put your focus, energy and attention towards making them happen!!

Positive Mindset Affirmation:

“Instead of finding the time for my goals, I make the time for them. I choose to focus on my goals.”

“I have time.”

Life is made up of many in-between moments.

What are you doing in those in-between moments?

How to start prioritising your time to achieve your dream life:

  • Learn to say no
  • Release what no longer serves you positively
  • Be clear on what your priorities are
  • Set boundaries and hold them
  • Practice self-awareness to notice and understand where you are spending your time, energy and focus
  • Intentionally make the time for your dreams. Schedule your priorities in your diary & show up for them!

To summarise it, prioritising your time is about reclaiming your time, energy and focus for your goals, happiness, fulfillment and of course your dreams!

Have a strong why and commit to it

Why is it important to you that you show up for your dream life?

Why does it matter to you that you prioritise your time and live in alignment with your values?

What is the pain and cost of not taking consistent action towards your dream life?

Making your dreams a reality does take compromises.

“Will I scroll on my ph0ne for a couple of hours or will I take action towards my dream life?”

Having a strong why behind why you’re doing the things that you’re doing, is a reliable & sturdy motivating force.

Your why may also be called your ‘greater purpose or mission’.

Remembering your why will help you get through on those days when it feels hard to show up.

“Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if youre willing to stick with them for years.” – James Clear

The best ways to uncover your why:

  • Self-discovery and reflection- get to know yourself
  • Know your values
  • Follow your passions/ what lights you up
  • Keep gaining clarity on your vision for your life

How to Finally Start Taking Action Towards Your Dream Life Today- Living Her Way

Break the habit of waiting until later to take action

Practice showing up and doing the thing even when you have just one hour or you think to yourself, “I’ll do it later.”

Have you caught yourself saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll do it when I have enough time.”

Break the habit of waiting until tomorrow to take action towards your dreams.

Break through your self-doubt into action.

You’ll be surprised about how much it can be a mind-over-matter thing when it comes to taking action towards your dreams.

Go after the life you want.

Time will not magically appear out of no where. You will need to make the time for your dreams.

If you are serious about achieving your goals, practising living intentionally can help you.

What if you did have enough time, but you aren’t prioritising your time enough?

There will never be a perfect time to chase your dreams.

Even if your dream life feels really far away right now,

I’m here to motivate you to start somewhere.

We all start somewhere.

Overall, you will not get to your point z if you don’t start taking action from where you are right now.

Picture this.

You’re 5, 10 years in the future from now.

You are living your dream life! 🎉

You are so happy and grateful that you took action on your dreams today.


You’re still waiting and procrastinating on taking action until everything is perfect and “insert other thing you’ve been telling yourself.”

Mindset Shift: “When I show up for my dream life, even if it’s just for a small amount of time, it brings me closer towards my dreams as opposed to doing nothing at all towards them.”

Do you want another year of saying I’m going to “….” and not take any action or any consistent action


will you have another year of taking action towards your dream life?

The choice is yours.

For example, it was a choice to start my blog and it would have also been a choice to not start my website.

This is your year.

Make taking action towards your dream life enjoyable!

One incredible hack to motivate you to take action towards your dream life is to see taking action towards your dream life as fun!

Ali Abdaal mentions in his book Feel Good Productivity how making your projects feel good and enjoyable is the key to getting work done/ success and achieving your goals.

When I started to make taking action towards my goals and dream life fun/saw it as more fun and enjoyable,

productivity and taking action towards my goals became natural- easy.

Showing up for my goals is now a natural habit that I enjoy.

It’s easy for me to show up for my dreams because I love them and I enjoy them!

Even the tasks that you don’t enjoy, you can make them at least more enjoyable. Or see them as bringing you one step closer to making your dreams a reality.

Overall, when taking the necessary action towards your dream life feels like what you can do for ‘fun’

or you at least can make it more enjoyable by lighting a candle, some incense or playing music while you complete your tasks,

productivity takes care of itself.

Your perspective.

It can either help you take more action towards your dream life

or make it more difficult than it needs to be.

You get to decide what a dream life looks like to you. Your version of a more happy and fulfilled life your way each day.

Show up day in and day out.

Lean into courage.


keep moving forward,

learning, growing and becoming more and more of who you are.

Keep going.

And eventually you will get there.

You will be living your dream life!


Motivational quote- Living Her Way

As always, thank you for being here. 😊 

What action are you taking towards your dream life today? What is one thing you can do to show up for yourself and your dream life today?

Share your comments with the living Her Way community below.👇

If you have any questions, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below. Additionally, you can contact me via my email.  

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The Best Life Hacks to Increase Your Productivity
Self Empowerment

The Best Life Hacks to Increase Your Productivity

Are you trying to juggle and balance many things in your life? Learn the best life hacks that have increased my productivity as I balance working full-time hours and building the business of my dreams! Being productive isn’t just about getting more work done quickly. These recommendations will not only help you towards achieving your…

Love Lana


  • Gouri Dixit says:

    Have a strong WHY. It’s so important. It serves as your purpose and helps you overcome difficulties. Great article!

  • Emily says:

    I love the reminder to align goals with your values

  • Miss Simplitty says:

    Good post. I usually have a problem taking action, so I know how it is.

  • Katie Green says:

    Hi, I’m the queen of procrastination! haha Thank you for these encouraging and motivational words! I especially liked the visualizing your life in 5 years if you put in the work! That motivated me to keep pushing! Have a great day!

  • Anthuwin Cupido says:

    Great post! I always focus on taking one step at a time, fueled with passion and determination!
    Thanks for sharing your post.

  • Happy LifeStyle says:

    I love this article. Don’t wait until it is perfect, Start now. People are discouraged by being scarred of failure and being disapointed if they don’t reach their dreams. But we need constantly adjust our dreams and go for it. We have only one life.

  • Deanna | Life By Deanna says:

    Great post! Focusing on your values is so important and I feel like often over looked.

  • tlovertonet says:

    Greetings! Very helpful advice on this article! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing!


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