Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life + [Free Aligned Action Roadmap]

Are you ready to create intentional change in your life? This blog post will give you the best journaling prompts for intentionally creating the life of your dreams. The one that feels more happy and fulfilling your way each day!

Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life- Living Her Way

Inspirational Quotes For Making your Dreams Come True

Live the life you love and cherish.

“Create the life you want to live.”

Learn to rest but never give up.

Wake up and live!

If you can dream it, believe and work for it, you can achieve it.

When there is a will there is always a way.

With patience and determination, you can go very far.

Make It Happen.

“If they can do it, so can I. If they can have it, so can I.”

Lana Living Her Way Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life

Why can journaling help you in creating your dream life?

Journaling can help you create your dream life as by asking yourself these journaling prompts you can gain more clarity on what you want. As you become clearer on what you want, a clearer sense of direction can support you in taking the aligned action steps necessary towards your dream life.

Remember, when it comes to creating your dream life and becoming the best version of yourself: progress over perfection.

The journey towards creating your dream life is sometimes messy! It’s a part of the journey.

Lana Living Her Way 
Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life

Now, let’s make this dream life creating process reall simple, yet deep.

When you have so many choices for what you want to do with your life, I want this process to feel simple for you.

Clear, Calm, Grounded and To The Point.

Ahhhh, how good are those feelings?

“It means that first you have to know who you are and what is important to you. What is worth having and worth striving for, not simply wanting what media and popular trends tell you is a good life.” – Deepak Chopra

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

I think it’s important when intentionally creating your dream life and getting clear on what you want and where you want to go to also practice gratitude for where you are at right now.

Take a moment to practice gratitude for all the ways in which you are already where you once dreamed of being. 

Gratitude for all the things you once dreamed of having that you now have.

Practising gratitude can help shift you into a more positive and abundant state before completing the following journalling prompts for intentionally creating your dream life.

Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life

  1. What makes me happy?
  2. What do I value truly value? What matters most to me?
  3. What feels fulfilling to me? (What gives you daily meaning and purpose?)

These questions can help you:

Become clearer on what you want and value in life.

When you are clearer on what you want and value, this can be a great basis for intentionally creating your dream life.

Further, from this clarity and decisiveness, you can create positive change in your life to start living in alignment with the life you want to create and live (your dream life).

For example, if going to the beach makes you happy, you may like to live close to the ocean.

If you value travel, you may want to start looking into ways that you can afford to travel more.

Reminder from My Daily Self-Empowerment Reminders eBook

Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life

The following journaling prompts are furtherr journaling prompts that can support you when intentionally creating your dream life.

These questions are going to get you thinking! 

Your dreams take work!

And you can definitely have fun along the way.

Choose the journalling prompts that feel most true to you.

Maybe it’s all of them or maybe it’s just a few.

Lastly, it’s important to mention that when you’re intentionally creating your dream life, remain open and adaptable to things working out better than you imagined and more meant for you than the life you planned.

Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life- Living Her Way

Life Audit Journaling Prompts 

  1. What no longer feels in alignment and in resonance with me? 
  2. Where am I needing more balance in my current routine and life?
  3. What do I need to let go of that is no longer serving me positively?
  4. Where do I need to have better boundaries with my focus, time, priorities and energy? 

Gaining More Clarity On Your Dream Life Journaling Prompts

This is your precious life!

  1. What would I like to have more time, energy and resources to do? 
  2. What are my core values?
  3. What have I always wanted to do?

Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life Journaling Prompts


  1. What is my dream career? Go into detail.. and don’t be afraid to dream big!
  2. How do I feel when I’m doing my dream career?
  3. What does my dream career give me the ability to do?


  1. Who do I choose to surround myself with?
  2. Who do I love spending my time with?
  3. What type of things and experiences do I get to share with the people I love?
  4. Describe your romantic partnership and how you feel when you’re together.


  1. What is my dream lifestyle?
  2. How do I live?
  3. What are the qualities of my dream life? What does living my dream life me feel? e.g peaceful, prosperous, abundant, stable
  4. What are the daily habits that contribute to my well-being, happiness and fulfilment?

Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life Journaling Prompts

  1. Who do I need to become in order to hold this version of myself who has what she wants?
  2. What am I spending my time on?
  3. What do I say no to in my dream life?
  4. What distractions do I need to let go of?
  5. What do I say yes to in my dream life?
  6. Where do I envision myself in 3, 5 and 10 years from now?

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

– Walt Disney

It may not always be easy to ask ourselves these questions.

When we answer these journalling prompts with honesty, we are able to look at where and what in our life needs to change and pivot so that we can truly start creating and living the life that makes us feel more happy and fulfilling our way.

Final tips and Journal Prompt

Focus on what you can control

It’s okay to let go of the old so you can make room fothe new to come in.

Allow yourself to embrace change.

  1. What limiting beliefs am I not taking forward with me in this next chapter of my life?

Best Journaling Prompts For Intentionally Creating Your Dream Life- Living Her Way

I hope that this blog post supported you so much and that you enjoyed the process of intentionally creating your dream life.

What inspired, aligned action are you taking? Please feel share your response with the Living Her Way community below.

If you have any questions, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below. Additionally, you can contact me via email.

As always, thank you for being here. 😊

Are you keen to start taking action?

Get your FREE Aligned Action Roadmap to help you move further forward on your dream life journey!

Welcome! Lana is the founder of Living Her Way. She's passionate about all things Travel and Self-Empowerment. Lana's mission is to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

Love Lana


  • Ginger says:

    What an inspiring and motivating article. Chasing your dreams is important, so is taking care of yourself and that’s why I love this quote: “Learn to rest but never give up”.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Selene says:

    Love all these quotes. Especially “With patience and determination, you can go very far,” I can totally relate to this one, it’s my goal for the year. Learn to be patient with myself.

  • Jacqie Naya says:

    These prompts will be so helpful to me because I’m all for getting better and being mindful.

  • There are so many great questions to consider here. Thank you for sharing these journal prompts.

  • Ashleigh says:

    I needed this today! I’m gonna comment what I’m grateful here – hopefully that’s okie with you. Today, I’m grateful that I was able to go for a walk in the sunshine with my dog Benji in the middle of winter for over an hour, I’m grateful for a roof over my head, my blog and YT channel, my partner who brought me a coffee and a cookie this morning, my 5 senses, and clean drinking water.

    Great post – pinned too.

    Cheers, Ash – (

  • Jordan says:

    I just recently got into journaling. I had seen a bunch of statistics showing that daily journaling actually leads to more success in all aspects of life. I’m definitely going to use some of these prompts.

  • Madeleine says:

    Thank you, I love these journal prompts! I do daily love journaling as part of my morning routine and I’m always looking for new prompts.
    Such an inspiring and motivating article, “It’s okay to let go of the old so you can make room for the new to come in.” 💕
    Thank you for sharing.

    Madeleine (


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