To romanticise is “to think about or describe something as being better or more attractive and interesting than it really is”, as described in the Britannica dictionary. To romanticise your life means to me that something ordinary can be made and seen as extraordinary. Something that you see as a mundane thing such as doing the dishes can be made beautiful or at least more enjoyable. Not only can you romanticise your life, but you can romanticise you! Romanticising any part of your life can be an act of love (self-love and love for others).
Romanticising your life can feel like treating this life as something special that gets to be nurtured, appreciated and celebrated. Not only are you romanticising your life but, you are romanticising yourself, filling up your self-love cup, prioritising you, honouring your worth and feeling that you matter. Cultivating these tips and ways on how to romanticise your life, can support you to treat yourself as something special and worthy that gets to be nurtured, taken care of, appreciated and celebrated. Romanticising my life has helped me feel more satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness and satisfaction in my daily life. Prioritising your enjoyment of life matters.
Romanticising your life can support you in loving your life more, remembering that life and being alive is a gift, and inspire you to make the most of your life.
A quote to remind you to see beauty and goodness in the ordinary, plain, ‘boring’, imperfections of life and yourself:
Beauty is more than the things that are pleasing to our eyes. It is an experience of the heart, mind, and soul. Beauty comes from our willingness to see the perfection in what we often call the “imperfections” of life. – Gregg Braden.
Adding more beauty to your life is not only physical. It can also be a way of seeing, feeling and experiencing more beauty in your life.
Top 6 Simple Ways to Romanticise Your Life and Add More Beauty to Your Life
The topics covered include:
- The little things
- Mindfulness
- Chores and essentials
- Work
- Self-care
- Home and environment
- Hygge
1. Savour the Little Things. Savour the Simple Pleasures in Life
Savour the little things and the simple pleasures in life. Take breaks for deep breaths throughout your day. This is a great habit that can be implemented into your day. When I savour and really enjoy a deep long breath in and out, I feel more enjoyment and presence in the now.
Savour the sweetness and flavour as you sip your morning coffee. Could you savour that first sleep on your freshly washed sheets? Savouring simple things, like an afternoon walk in the sunshine can help you bring more satisfaction and enjoyment into your life.
The next time you kiss your loved one, savour it as if it’s for the last time. Kisses are such a special reminder of how precious this life is and how sweet it can be. If you have a pet, when you pat your pet next, really enjoy the sweetness of it.
Next time you see a sunrise or sunset, really be there and enjoy it. Romanticise your life, what a gift it is that the sun rises and sets each day – a new day, a new opportunity. I personally love the sun! How can you start to bring more wonder into your daily moments? When you embrace wonder, life becomes less dull, more opportunistic and of course more wonderful. It’s so beautiful to realise that simple, little things can bring us so much presence and joy.

2. Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routines
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing.
Practise gratitude as you wake up in the morning. Feel grateful that you’re healthy, safe and alive. You can incorporate more mindfulness when you’re eating, applying your skin care, washing your body, and when you are hugging someone next. I incorporate more mindfulness into my workflow by remembering to breathe, which brings me back to the present moment. One way that I incorporate more mindfulness into my exercise routine is by enjoying the motions by feeling how it feels to be in my body rather than just going through the motions. Also, engaging your senses such as your sense of smell through burning a scented candle can help bring you back to the present here and now moments.
3. Chores and Essentials: grocery shopping, cleaning, making your bed
How can you romanticise your life in the most mundane activities of your daily routine?
From making your bed to going grocery shopping, there is a way that you can make the tasks more enjoyable.
When it comes to everyday tasks, such as making your bed, going grocery shopping, or cleaning your house, it’s important to have a more positive attitude if you want to shift into more enjoyment of your daily chores. Instead of thinking of these tasks as burdens, try to reframe them as opportunities. For example, instead of saying “I have to go food shopping,” say “I get to go food shopping and choose the foods that I enjoy and would like to eat.” And, “I get to try something new.”
Investing in quality items, such as quality bedding linen that you like, can also make a difference in how you approach daily tasks. Choose bedding that you love and that makes you feel comfortable, and you’ll be more inclined to take care of it. For instance, I recently bought 100% bamboo bedding from Linenly and I’m really happy with this investment. I enjoy sleeping on it and taking care of it as it helps me feel good and enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Even when it comes to cleaning, you can find ways to enjoy it more. Remember that a clean environment can have a positive impact on your mental health. Try listening to music while you clean and think of it as an act of self-love, rather than just a chore.
Create little rituals for yourself that you enjoy, such as rewarding yourself with a yummy drink after you finish cleaning.

4. At Work
Maybe you’re in a job that you don’t like, or maybe you’re in a job that you do like.
One way that you can romanticise your work is by reminding yourself that, “ I am making an impact. Someone’s life was made better or supported because I am here.”
Romanticise the fact that your job provides you with an income to do want you want to do and buy the things that you want to.
When you’re in a job that you don’t like, I recommend focusing on the abundance of what you do have, rather than the lack piece here. Focus on problems and your problems will only get bigger. Focus on solutions, be open to them and you will start seeing more solutions. Make the most of your breaks to do what you enjoy, and be intentional with how you spend your breaks. Enjoy the time that you do have before and after work rather than focusing on the fact that you are going to a job that you don’t like. Something that I have personally experienced on the journey to having the job that I actually want is that “Sometimes we do have to do what we don’t necessarily want to do until we don’t have to do it anymore.”
Discover the joy in life’s smallest moments and you’ll always have a reason to smile.
If you are in a job that you do like, you can romanticise your life by being more present and grateful for your current work. Enjoy where you are at while making progress towards future goals. Make the area that you work in somewhere that makes you feel happy and inspired. How can you allow yourself to enjoy your job and work more?
Could you romanticise your life by giving yourself things to look forward to before, during and/ or after work? This may include activities such as a fresh beach walk at sunset or a delicious morning coffee enjoyed slowly while journalling. If you work at home like I do, while you are working, drink healthy beverages that you enjoy and keep an aesthetic water bottle. One way I like to romanticise my work is by playing coffee jazz instrumental music and other genres of music that I enjoy while working. Another way that you can romanticise your work is through planners, schedules and calendars. Have planners and organisation tools such as journals and calendars that help you feel engaged, inspired and committed to your work. One planner that I love using to track and keep my business organised is THE DAILEE Planner. You can check out the collection here.
Romanticise getting your work done tip:
I was listening to a podcast episode recently that changed my view and attitude on how I feel towards getting work done. Overall, my key takeaway was- to add enjoyment to your work and make it fun. It’s so simple but it has made a huge shift in my attitude towards getting work done. The work and business-related things that I don’t necessarily enjoy doing and the things that I do enjoy doing, I intentionally remember to bring the energy of fun to it so that I feel less resistance to showing up. As a result, I feel more committed to taking action and getting the job done. This takeaway has improved my productivity and helped me be more consistent. If you are keen to listen to the podcast episode, I have linked it here.

4. Self-Care
What I would tell my younger self, is that looking after yourself matters. Because you, your wellness and your longevity matter.
+ You deserve to feel good.
Self-care is a great way for you to romanticise your life and look after yourself, your wellness, and your longevity. Self-care is a great activity that can support you in feeling good.
From your skincare routine to shaving your legs there romanare ways that you can find beauty in it.
Here are some simple ways that you can romanticise your self-care routines:
Take your time. Be present with the task.
Enjoy how it feels to apply your moisturiser. Add the gua sha facial massage technique to your routine.
Embrace and indulge in your senses.
Light a candle.
Sing while you’re in the shower.
Add bath salts or a bath bomb to your bath.
Play music.
Light an incense or an aroma diffuser. I use Doterra essential oils that my lovely mum gifted me, for my aroma diffuser and to apply to my body. My go-to scent recently has been cedarwood. It feels very grounding to me. You can check out the Doterra essential oils collection here.
Some of my personal favourite self-care habit recommendations that you can romanticise and include in your daily self-care routine:
Apply a perfume or an essential oil to wear.
Apply a natural body lotion daily. There’s something about moisturised skin that just feels so good.
Invest in skin and body care products that you like. I buy products that are mostly clean ingredients so that they are good not only for my skin but also for my health.
Brush your hair and apply moisturising hair oils.
Put on a face mask weekly.
Exfoliate and scrub your face and body.
Wear jewellery that makes you feel beautiful. The clothes that you feel good in.
Wear clothes that feel like you. for example, “This outfit is very me!”

5. Your Home and Environment
Romantice your home and environment by incorporating your senses.
Smell: Light candles, incense or an aroma diffuser to make your home feel more inviting.
Sight: Do you like the colour of your furniture and linen? Do you like the appearance of the variables in your home that are in your control? If not, maybe it’s time for a change. Life is too short to have paintings and decorations in your home that you don’t like or that you are no longer in resonance with. Buy some flowers for your space because you can. Tip: Sometimes less is more. Add things to your home that add to the feeling of you feeling good.
Taste: Romanticising your life may sometimes look like warm cookies, wine, pieces of dark chocolate and coffee! Enjoy your coffee mindfully. Romanticise your meal times by being more present (a key theme here!). Fully enjoy the moments that you get to share eating delicious food with your loved ones and friends. Make meals that nourish you and that you enjoy. Looking after yourself and eating healthy, balanced meals and snacks is absolutely enjoyable too!
Hear: Play uplifting music that you love. I also love to play binaural beats when I desire moments of peace and serenity or when I’m going to sleep. Create a feel-good playlist for the moments in your life. For the mundane moments, for the car ride, for brushing your teeth, your workflow routine, you name it. There is a way you can create a more inviting, fulfilling and productive atmosphere for yourself. There’s also something about listening to music with AirPods in that just feels so good.

6. Incorporate Hygge into Your Life
“In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cosying up with a loved one for a movie – that’s hygge, too.”
Add cosy things into your home environment that make you feel comfortable and content. Create an atmosphere that you like to be in. The space that we live in affects us and so do the average five people that we surround ourselves with. “Enjoy the good things in life with good people.” If you are desiring more inspiration on ways to live your life to the fullest, you can check out my blog post here.
Journal prompt: In what ways do you currently enjoy the good things in life?
In what ways would you like to do more of this?
How can you make the ordinary and the ‘boring’ more enjoyable?
What does it mean to you to romanticise your life?
How can you add more beauty to your life?
Action tip: Create yourself an ultimate feel-good Spotify playlist.
If you would like some inspiration check out my playlist to inspire joy and adventure.
I hope that this post has inspired and shown you that romanticising your life can bring you and your life many happy and enjoyable benefits. Please feel welcome to comment below any blog post requests, kind comments and questions or contact Lana here.
With the world situation nowadays, romanticizing ones life is a great way to bring positivity. Great tips.
Thank you Catalina. I think the world can always do with a boost of positivity. 🙂
This post is a delightful guide to infusing more romance and beauty into everyday life. With practical yet charming suggestions, it offers a treasure trove of ideas for anyone looking to add a touch of magic to their daily routine. From simple gestures to more elaborate endeavors, each tip is a reminder that romance and beauty are not reserved for special occasions but can be woven into the fabric of our lives. A must-read for those seeking to cultivate a more enchanting and fulfilling existence!
Thank you for your kind comment Trisha. Oh I love that-A must-read for those seeking to cultivate a more enchanting and fulfilling existence!
Which points did you resonate most with? 🙂
Great post!! I love all of your tips!!
Thank you Alyssa! I’m glad that you loved them. Which points resonated with you most? 🙂
This is a great post. I especially love enjoying the little things. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Sheenia! I hope you have a lovely day 🙂