Unique Ways to Boost Creativity

Are you ready to start sharing your creativity? Don’t know where to start when it comes to being more creative? This Blog post is for you, the person who wants to be more creative. Scroll down to read the unique ways to boost creativity!

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”

Joseph Chilton Pearce.

Unique Ways to Boost Creativity


Show up- do the thing

If you want to boost creativity, show up to build momentum.

For example, the more I stay consistent with the act of being creative, the ‘easier’ it feels to keep my creativity alive.

Therefore, taking action is one of the important ways to boost creativity.

Sometimes, we wait until we feel inspired to do the thing.

Whereas, I have found that creative momentum is bulit once you start doing the thing. Thus, showing up is a helpful way to boost creativity.

What creative action do you want to take action on today?

Ways to boost creativity

Listen to music

Listening to music is one of the great ways to boost creativity. Research has found that listening to music can help stimulate the brain’s right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity and imagination.

Another study states that listening to happy music facilitates divergent thinking. Further, divergent thinking involves more creativity.

Here’s a Spotify playlist I’ve created for you to inspire joy and adventure!

Not only that, but I have found that music helps me gain motivation and inspiration. So, I am listening to music a lot!

Overall, listening to music is one of the enjoyable ways to boost creativity.

Listening to music to boost creativity

Change your surroundings and travel!

I believe that travelling and changing your surroundings can be one of the amazing ways to boost creativity.

When we travel we broaden our horizon and perspective. If we are open to it!

Or simply, it can be a great way to see things differently, have a change of scenery or hit the refresh button.

I personally love to travel!

Furthermore, you actually don’t have to travel far to boost your creativity.

Simple ways that you can change your scenery in your everyday life:

  • Work from a new cafe
  • Try out a workout in a different workout studio
  • Go for a walk in different part of your city. Explore!
  • Meet a new friend
  • Go to a botanic garden or a new park
  • Do something you don’t usually do
  • Go to the beach
  • Experiment in the kitchen. Try a new recipe
  • Switch up where you eat your meals i.e eat a meal outside or on your balcony

Overall, changing your scenery means mixing things up from your usual. And maybe stepping out of your comfort zone a little!

Take breaks

Taking breaks when necessary can be just important as the other ways to boost creativity.

A break to simply be can be a great way to boost your creativity.

Making space in your life and mind can allow room for more creativity to flow!

Simple ways to take a break:

  • Take a long bath or shower
  • Practice your self-care routine
  • Go for a walk
  • Stop scrolling on your phone
  • Sleep or take a nap
  • Listen to a guided meditation
  • Give yourself a self-massage
  • Relax

Creativity is intelligence having fun! – Albert Einstein

Spend time in nature

Spending time in nature is one of the ways to boost creativity.

Not only can spending in nature be self-care but it can also help you spark creativity.

Nature can inspire creativity as it helps you slow down and decrease stress levels, thus creating more calm. Additionally, spending time in nature can boost your happiness. Thus, creating the perfect foundation for creativity to boost!

Furthermore, one study has shown that spending time in nature can help us restore our attention, thus relieving mental fatigue and leaving more room to be open to creativity and problem-solving.

In what ways can you add spending time in nature to your weekly routine?

Spending time in nature as a way to boost creativity

Write down your ideas

When you have ideas come to you write them down! This simple, yet effective tip was a game changer for me!

I used to leave my ideas in my head. And just think I would remember them later.

Writing your creative ideas down can actually help you be more creative, rather than waiting until the right time to be creative.

Be creative when the moment is there.

Writing down your ideas just does something.

Instead of leaving your creative ideas in your mind and saying “Ahh what was that idea I had again?”

Therefore, this tip is about getting in the habit of writing down your ideas when they come to.


Allowing yourself to brainstorm is one of the ways to boost creativity.

I find brainstorming helpful in getting your creative juices and inspiration going.

Write down your ideas like no one is reading or watching them!

The simple act of allowing yourself to be creative can help you boost your creativity.

Ways that you can brainstorm include:

  • Drawing pictures
  • Writing
  • Journalling
  • Mind mapping
  • Collecting images (& gaining inspiration) on Pinterest

Overall, brainstorming can be an important piece of your creative process.


Dancing is one of the fun ways to boost creativity.

Dancing can encourage you to express yourself through your movements.

Additionally, dancing can support imagination.

You don’t have to dance to any choreographed moves. It can simply be you, grooving to your fave tunes the way you want and having fun!

Do you like to dance?

Try this:

Pop on your favourite music and dance in your room like no one’s watching! And, have fun!

Not only, does dancing boost my creativity but it almost always improves my mood too.

Your creativity can be expressed in many different ways.

What are some of your favourite ways to share your creativity? Comment below and share your response with the Living Her Way community.

I hope that this blog post has provided you with inspiration on ways to boost creativity!

If you have any questions at all, blog post requests or kind comments please comment them below or you can contact me via email.

Until next time..

Thank you for being here!

Welcome! Lana is the founder of Living Her Way. She's passionate about all things Travel and Self-Empowerment. Lana's mission is to inspire you to live a more happy and fulfilling life your way each day.

Love Lana


  • Kristina says:

    Love this! Great ideas on getting creative! Thank you!

  • Bryan Carey says:

    For me, great natural scenery does the trick! This is why I love visiting the American West. Just soaking up all that natural beauty gets my creativity going.

  • Mow De says:

    Beautiful visuals! I find DIY a great outlet to let out my ideas & imagination

  • Under Flowery Sky says:

    Awesome tips, spending time in nature and travelling lets me discover new things more easily..

  • Gouri Dixit says:

    Awesome tips and a good read!

  • Sonja says:

    Thanks for this post – saved for the writers block moment to get an energy boost with these options!

  • Robin Mc Carroll says:

    Music is what does it for me!!

  • Karen Kasberg says:

    I love these ideas to boost creativity. Listening to music is my favorite creativity booster. Thanks for sharing!

  • Cha says:

    Awesome tips! Thank you 🙂

  • Miss Simplitty says:

    Great tips. I’ll try them.

  • Gouri Dixit says:

    Loved the list! Listening to music is my favorite 🙂

  • Tell Me Everything says:

    Great post! I’m going to need to bookmark this and come back to it:)

  • Sheenia says:

    Great ideas! I’m already implementing a few of them.

  • Pradnya says:

    Very useful tips. Saving it for the next time I have a creative block. Thanks for sharing!

  • Susan says:

    Enjoyed this read. Creativity is all around us. I find countless ideas online.

  • Michael Taykor says:

    I think I have the reverse problem. This was the feedback I got from my boss (a top executuve) about 25 years ago when I was still working full time. “Whenever your name cones up, I hear the samething, ‘He’s very creative.'” What frustrates me are the techinical issues!


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